Women of Caliber at Self-Reliance Expo–Colorado Springs

I’m pleased to be invited to be a part of the Self-Reliance Expo held in Colorado Springs, CO next weekend, May 18th and 19th at the Freedom Financial Services Center http://www.selfrelianceexpo.com/colorado-springs/

Hours of the show will be from 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. each day.


I’ll be teaching my popular rape prevention course, “Rape Prevention for Couch Potatoes” five different times during the event. If you’re one of those who’d like to attend you can register here: http://womenofcaliber.com/colorado.php


This course is one hour and requires very little physical effort as it’s intended to benefit both young and old, fit or fat, you name it. After all, regardless of any of that, EVERY woman has the right to defend themselves, right? It’s very, very disturbing to me that 1 out of 6 women are raped in their lifetime.  1 out of 6?! And the worst part about that is that on college campuses, it is believed that 95% of all rapes go unreported! It’s “only” 60% of all rapes that aren’t reported off campus. Good grief! What are we, some 3rd world nation that has absolutely no respect for women?! This is heinous, in my opinion and I say that it’s got to stop! And I’m willing to do whatever it takes to make it stop on my watch! So…*breathing calmly now* if you’re able to come, not only will you be helping yourself, but part of your class tuition will go towards paying it forward in that I get to be able to afford to take this class right to the women who so desperately need it but where they won’t feel so vulnerable such as the women crisis centers, safe houses, etc. If you’re within even a couple of hours of driving time from this event, I highly recommend that you attend. I can honestly say that there’s NOTHING like this being taught elsewhere. I’ve often heard the remark from gals who take just this mini-class that it’s the best self-defense course they’ve ever attended. I hope to see you there.


In addition, I’ll also be teaching the Ten Principles of Preparedness class on each day on the main stage (10:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. respectively). That’s free for everyone.


I’ll also be participating in a special panel, Women of Prepping, that will be held on the mainstage from 11:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. on the 19th.


There are a LOT of fabulous classes being hosted there—several of them that I’m going to try and attend as well. This event has got to be one of the most chocked full of education events like this that I’ve ever seen. Go to www.self-relianceexpo.com for more details.


Hope to see many of you there!

One Response

  1. I apologize that this is a little off topic, but I am looking for some potential leads on locating a female gunsmith. I am the author of a site devoted to exploring education and career alternatives for those who do not want to pursue a four year degree.

    Gunsmithing is primarily a male dominated profession and I am looking to get some female perspectives for my site. If you have any suggestions, I would appreciate it.

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